News - Discount Caskets

As more people embrace environmental sustainability, they are extending their eco-conscious choices to all aspects of life—including their final farewell. The funeral industry is evolving, and eco-friendly caskets are gaining popularity as a responsible and meaningful alternative. Let’s explore why more people are opting for sustainable caskets and the benefits...

By John Stover Read more

Natural burials have become increasingly popular as more people consider the environmental impact of traditional burial practices. These burials offer an eco-friendly alternative, allowing the deceased to return to nature without harmful chemicals or non-biodegradable materials. Because natural burials take a different approach compared to traditional burials, they often require...

By John Stover Read more

If you're exploring environmentally friendly burial options, you may have come across the idea of a cardboard casket. However, you might be wondering whether it is a practical and dignified choice for a final resting place. While traditional wooden or metal caskets have been the standard for years, growing awareness...

By John Stover Read more
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