News - Discount Caskets

When it comes to caskets, you might think their dimensions are as exciting as a celery stick. However, the truth is that choosing a casket involves a lot more thought and variety than you might initially realize. Consider the diverse range of homes across America, each with its unique layout...

By John Stover Read more

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy, and among the many decisions that need to be made during this difficult time, choosing a burial casket can be both overwhelming and financially burdensome. With the advent of various shopping options beyond traditional funeral homes, families now have...

By John Stover Read more

When we think of a funeral casket being closed and buried, it often feels like a final and irreversible event. However, the reality is that the life of a casket extends beyond its burial, and it might not always remain undisturbed. Consider the intriguing case of Abraham Lincoln, for example....

By John Stover Read more
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