Gemini Series Navy Blue Oversized - Discount Caskets - Discount Caskets
*Prices Vary Depending on SizeFREE SHIPPING!Oversize Casket Available in 29″,30″,32″,34″,36″,38″,40″ and 44″ 18 Gauge Sealed Navy Exterior Light Blue Velvet Interior Half Couch Adjustable Bed Square Casket Corners NEED OVERSIZE Burial Vaults...
Availability: Many In Stock

*Prices Vary Depending on Size


Oversize Casket Available in 29″,30″,32″,34″,36″,38″,40″ and 44″

  • 18 Gauge Sealed
  • Navy Exterior
  • Light Blue Velvet Interior
  • Half Couch
  • Adjustable Bed
  • Square Casket Corners
  • NEED OVERSIZE Burial Vaults


Casket Dimensions

  • Exterior width of casket: 29″ to 34″
  • Exterior length of casket: 81″ to 87
  • Exterior height of casket: 23 1/2″
  • Interior width: 28″ to 43″
  • Interior length: 79″ to 86″
  • Actual Weight: 180 pounds to 245 pounds
  • Weight Capacity: 300 pound to 750 pounds
    The casket is shipped in one of two special cargo compartments under the commercial passenger airplanes (typically American, Delta or United) apart from the other luggage. These two special compartments are where they store bodies and empty caskets. This is how the casket is packaged. First there is a thin layer of Styrofoam, followed by a layer of bubble wrap. Over that are placed large blocks of hard Styrofoam which provide most of the support as well as 5" thick styrofoam caps over both ends. Over that is a double-walled cardboard box and then another double-walled box over that. You can literally beat the box with a baseball bat and not hurt the casket. There is roughly 3-5 inches between the outer box and the inner casket so if the box is ruffled on the outside, the casket will not be scratched or dented 3-5 inches below the box surface. After it gets to the airport the hot-shot courier typically picks up your casket and delivers it directly to the funeral home in his van. We will email you to notify you that the casket has been delivered.

    Gemini Series Navy Blue Oversized

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 2 reviews
    Casket arrived faster

    The largest selection of oversize caskets , we were looking for some casket that particular in color and style and we found it here.The casket arrived faster than expected and was the exact color we wanted. We were exceptionally pleased with the whole process and product.

    Excellent prices

    Very easy to order and delivery was next day. Excellent prices to help offset high funeral costs. We didn’t know that larger caskets were so much at the funeral home. We are grateful to have found Discount Casket.

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