There are many things in life we cannot avoid, and death and funerals are among them. When someone close to us passes away, we must deal with both the emotional pain and the practical aspects of planning the funeral, especially if the deceased hasn't left detailed instructions. From choosing a casket to arranging the final disposition of the remains, there are numerous details to handle during this difficult time.

A Guide To Understanding Casket Weight: Factors, Materials, And Considerations

While the weight of a casket might not come up often in conversation, you may have wondered—especially when seeing pallbearers in movies or real life—how much a casket actually weighs.

The answer isn’t straightforward, as several factors influence the overall weight of a casket. The material it's made from is the most significant factor. Let's take a closer look at the different materials used in casket construction and how they impact the weight.


Wood is one of the most popular choices for caskets. Sturdy and elegant, wooden caskets have come a long way from simple coffins, evolving in size, adornments, and weight. On average, a wooden casket weighs between 150 and 250 pounds, though this can vary depending on the type of wood used. Softer woods like pine tend to be lighter, while denser hardwoods like mahogany are much heavier.

Here’s a breakdown of various wood types:

  • Softwood (e.g., cottonwood, pine, willow, poplar, tulip tree) – 95 to 180 pounds with a weight capacity up to 300 pounds

  • Hardwood (e.g., maple, walnut, birch) – 165 to 215 pounds, weight capacity up to 350 pounds

  • High-end hardwood (e.g., cherry, walnut, mahogany) – 180 to 285 pounds, weight capacity up to 400 pounds


While many assume metal caskets are heavier than wooden ones, this isn’t always the case. Even though metal is stronger than wood, it doesn’t need to be as thick to provide the same strength, which makes metal caskets lighter overall. Most metal caskets weigh between 160 and 200 pounds.

Various metals are used in caskets, with 18-20 gauge steel being the most common. Copper and gold are also used, with gold caskets being both the heaviest and most expensive.

  • Steel and stainless steel caskets – 170 to 220 pounds with a 500-pound weight capacity

  • Bronze and copper caskets – 260 to 310 pounds with a 500-pound weight capacity

Most metal caskets have a maximum weight capacity of 500 pounds. Since bronze and copper are denser than stainless steel or steel, they weigh more, even when the casket dimensions are the same.

Metal caskets are categorized by gauge, which indicates the thickness of the metal. The most common gauges are 18 and 20, and the lower the gauge number, the thicker and heavier the metal, making the casket heavier as well.

Plywood and Wood Veneer

If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, plywood and wood veneer caskets may be an excellent choice. While not as heavy as hardwood caskets, they often come with a veneer or hardwood finish to give them the appearance of solid wood. These caskets are available in various colors and styles.

Caskets made from plywood or fiberboard typically weigh between 80 and 180 pounds, with a weight capacity ranging from 190 to 300 pounds.


Wicker caskets are another light option, weighing up to 110 pounds while still being secure and durable. These caskets usually have a maximum weight capacity of around 300 pounds.


Cardboard caskets are lightweight and environmentally friendly, as they are biodegradable and made from recycled materials. These caskets typically weigh between 20 and 80 pounds, with a maximum weight capacity of about 280 pounds. Although lightweight, cardboard caskets from reputable manufacturers are still stable and secure, and they can be covered with fabric for a more elegant appearance.

What Else Affects Casket Weight?

While the material is the primary factor influencing a casket’s weight, other aspects also contribute.

Casket Size

Caskets come in two main sizes: standard and oversized. Oversized caskets, which are designed for taller or heavier individuals, weigh more than standard ones.

  • Standard Caskets: Typically 28.5 inches wide (outside) and 82 inches long (outside), with an interior size of around 78 inches long by 24 inches wide. These are generally suitable for individuals up to 300 pounds and weigh between 160 and 220 pounds.

  • Oversized Caskets: Designed for those who are taller or wider, these caskets usually range in width from 27.5 inches to 33 inches (interior), though oversized caskets wider than 30 inches require a larger vault for burial. These caskets typically weigh between 220 and 280 pounds and have a 500-pound maximum weight capacity.

Hardware and Decorative Features

The hardware used in caskets—such as hinges, handles, and rods—can also contribute to the weight. When made of solid metal or brass, these components can add considerable weight.

Additionally, the interior can be decorated with fabric panels, adornments, or other sentimental items, which can also slightly increase the casket’s overall weight.

Interior Components

While the fabric and interior padding inside a casket don't add much weight, rubber gaskets used to seal the casket can contribute a small amount to its total weight, especially if they’re used to protect the contents from the elements.

A Guide To Understanding Casket Weight: Factors, Materials, And Considerations

What Is the Total Weight Pallbearers Will Carry?

Pallbearers will carry not only the casket but also the body inside. The combined weight of the casket and the body is what they’ll need to lift.

For a standard-sized casket weighing around 200 pounds, with an average adult body weighing about 170 pounds for females or 200 pounds for males, the total weight pallbearers will carry will range between 370 and 400 pounds.